Thursday, March 17, 2011

A general strike in Michigan? Yes, say teachers

A Conservative Teacher writes that teachers will try for a general strike in May. This is a little insane, but not too insane for the unions:
My sources in the MEA indicate that the MEA is preparing for a teachers strike in May and will ask that other unions also join in this strike… Michigan's striking teachers would be supported and joined by all union workers in the state of Michigan, from government employees, police, fire, and private labor unions like the UAW…
 Let's be prepared for the fight of our lives.


Chris said...

"United they stand, divided they fall". They have made we the tax payers the enemy. It's time to divide them. Public unions vs Private unions,conservative teachers vs. union leaders,peaceful protesters vs. lawless protesters, those that can afford to strike and those that can't,point out the billions the unions have vs, the pittence they give for a strike. If teachers strike charter,private and parochial schools will take those children to educate them.

If the teachers unions strike and broke parents have to pay for daycare or lose work because of the strike it wont be pretty.

Anonymous said...

You get what you pay for. Sorry but trickle down economics never works. Corporations are not hiring now and yet they are flush with cash. I work in the automation field and we're busier than ever. Companies are working people 60 hours per week and finding ways to mechanize their workforce instead of hiring.

The few tax dollars required to keep our children safe, healthy and educated will not encourage companies to hire. Your kid's teacher loves him and wants nothing but the best for him. Extra time and money teachers have usually goes right back into the classroom. They work toward better learning conditions every day. We don't need richer, more powerful companies buying politicians, we need smarter, more creative, healthier, happier kids becoming entering the workforce. Taking their lunch money and handing it over to big business is a dumb idea and won't help Michigan.

somercet said...

Dear Cowardly Anonymous:

You get what you pay for.

Wrong. You get what you work for with inflation like this.

Sorry but trickle down economics never works.

Oh, I didn't hear that, I was thinking about the booming years of the '80s, as I lived through them. So what were you saying, again?

Corporations are not hiring now and yet they are flush with cash.

"FLUSH WITH CASH!" Hahaha! They are flush with inflated dollars, or have you not seen the price of gold lately?

I work in the automation field and we're busier than ever. Companies are working people 60 hours per week and finding ways to mechanize their workforce instead of hiring.

You got that right. If Obamacare was threatening to double the cost of healthcare for my employees, I would stop hiring them, too! Have you seen the new Audi plant in Germany? You can walk from one end to the other and never see more than three people. Hey, I've got an idea: let's stop fining people who hire other people! Wow, radical, huh?

I could go on about the essentially fraudulent nature of government-mandated health "insurance" but that is for another post.

The few tax dollars required to keep our children safe, healthy and educated will not encourage companies to hire.

Few?!? It's the biggest expense in state budgets! Are you a moron, or just illiterate?

While it has changed over time and changes somewhat from year-to-year, about 52 to 55 percent of the State General Fund Budget is spent on K-12 and Higher Education.

Just a few shekels here and there, eh, rich boy? Fuck you.

Your kid's teacher loves him and wants nothing but the best for him.

Liar. And my kid isn't a him. My teachers hated me because I committed the crime of Not Being Interested In Their Class. They were pathetic losers who had no idea how to handle me and could not by law let me go. No mercy. No quarter.

Extra time and money teachers have usually goes right back into the classroom. They work toward better learning conditions every day.

No, they don't. Don't lie to me about how much they work, and don't quote union propaganda about their hours. None of it is true.

And if you had an honest conversation with parents in control of education for their children, you wouldn't have to pay out of pocket for those expenses. You're not smart enough to see that, but, well, that's been a running theme throughout your life, hasn't it?

We don't need richer, more powerful companies buying politicians

Like unions? I totally agree. But of course, when the Govt owns the business, all that dirty politicking is swept under the committee room rugs, now isn't it?

No, no, that hardly seems like progress to me, please peddle your lies somewhere else.

we need smarter, more creative, healthier, happier kids becoming entering the workforce.

Oops. You messed up, right there. "Healthier." See, even that, right there, you lie. You're a part of the same Establishment that tried to push the Lipid Hypothesis on us, and other lies. You'll say anything to maintain the Special Interest State, but I'll do anything to finally smash it.

Taking their lunch money and handing it over to big business is a dumb idea and won't help Michigan.

Taxing employers won't help a damn thing, and we're beyond me assuming you're stupid and don't know any better. You are part of the opposition and you must be defeated. And don't post anonymously again, coward, I hate that.

somercet said...

And lest we forget: government spending makes businesses retrench: even Harvard is forced to admit so.

The Health Care Mess and How We Got Here

This presentation is dedicated to the the distressed Anarcho-Capitalist on Reddit who asked, “How do old people afford health care unless th...