Thursday, May 28, 2015

Academia lies and lies and spends and spends

When I was a volunteer IT department for an AIDS care non-profit corporation (heavily Democratic, as you may imagine), I was often told that pharmaceutical companies were free-riding on all that magical medical research done by those wonderful universities.

Meanwhile, the great Dr Jerry Pournelle tells us:

Of course as soon as the Master Plan was adopted and funded, the California State Colleges began a political campaign to be turned into universities, with salaries comparable to the Universities, and graduate schools with research, and publish or perish, and all the rest of it; and instead of being teaching institutions they would become second rate copies of the Universities, with a faculty neglecting teaching in order to gather prestige in research and publication, or, perhaps, at least to look as if they were. In any event the California State Colleges became California State Universities, their commitment to actual undergraduate education was tempered to make room for the graduate schools, budgets were higher, costs were higher, and tuition, which had been designed to be very low, began to climb.

And guess what else was a Democratic lie?!?

During a decade as head of global cancer research at Amgen, C. Glenn Begley identified 53 “landmark” publications -- papers in top journals, from reputable labs -- for his team to reproduce. Begley sought to double-check the findings before trying to build on them for drug development.

Result: 47 of the 53 could not be replicated.

Turn anything Socialist, and you turn it into ice cream soup, because the animating intelligence behind the original thing is gone. Care for the poor, love of science or literature… the Soul of Man withers and dies under Socialism.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015



“Hulk has seen a bunch of white college kids” who need to be on the business end of night sticks.

Oh, sorry. I’m aware you think I would of approve of everything white people do, since you probably think of me as a white supremacist, but I’m not. Those filthy white college kids are using the US government's bizarre college subsidies to fund criminal behavior, and hire university police forces (is there any stranger collection of words in English? I think not) to protect them while they break the things their elders sweated and labored to buy.

I am barely a college drop out (does three days count?) and I have never seen white people behave in so despicable and vicious a fashion as you describe, and it is clear to me that college subsidies need to die permanently to stop this cancer from spreading.

I once worked as a security guard in two fast-food joints, in a city with one of the more famous, Left-leaning four-year universities. One was near three bars in a working-class neighborhood: one gay bar, one black bar and one white bar. I ejected one person in the few months I worked there (white, male, dunno sexual preference); everyone else was pretty well-behaved. The restaurant on-campus was at least 30% infected with hateful, vicious, thieving elitist punks, most of them stupefied with alcohol and very well dressed. I am sure that the patrons of the first joint would have agreed with me.

Sad: FilmCritic!Hulk does not know what normal behavior is due to an artificially warped upbringing.

On Do The Right Thing: I saw it in the theater when it came out and not since. I remember loving the first 90% but I do not recall the ending clearly enough to critique it without a re-watch.

The Health Care Mess and How We Got Here

This presentation is dedicated to the the distressed Anarcho-Capitalist on Reddit who asked, “How do old people afford health care unless th...