Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Orson Scott Card And Superman’s Klansman Roots

The Atlantic posts on America’s most, critical, at-risk resource: “The Real Problem With Superman’s New Writer Isn’t Bigotry, It’s Fascism, Orson Scott Card’s anti-gay beliefs would do more than contradict the Man of Steel’s inherent goodness.” Basically, it's another glue-huffing piece on the shocking news that not all Americans love all the gays 100%.

(The article goes on, carefully if ignorantly tracing Superman’s Klansman roots.)

Meanwhile, a box on the same page links to an article on the decidedly mixed results from Steven Spielberg’s whitewash, so to speak, of the overt, negative racial stereotyping in the Tintin books: “Overcoming Tintin’s Racism by Ignoring It.” (Mixed, as apparently removing all minorities is hardly satisfying either.)

I respectfully submit to the Atlantic their own advice.

(The Atlantic makes no mention of how Card plans to merge labor, corporate power and the state, oddly enough.)

The Health Care Mess and How We Got Here

This presentation is dedicated to the the distressed Anarcho-Capitalist on Reddit who asked, “How do old people afford health care unless th...